
Note Regarding Filming Locations

To be considered at all for a role in a television show or film, you should either look for productions casting in your area or move to a city where they are being cast, in order to be a local.

Even if you're willing to pay for travel to the shooting locations for a few days to work, no one wants to take the risk on an out-of-town actor. (What if you miss your flight? What if the shoot keeps getting delayed and you have to replace your plane ticket five times? What if they change the schedule and need you RIGHT NOW for a wardrobe fitting - and you're 1000 miles away? What if they fly you all the to the location and it turns out you're not right for the role or you're crazy or irresponsible?)

Yikes! Too much stress in an already stressful business. It's safer to hire actors they know and love, and who live within the vicinity of the shoot. There is no shortage of willing and available talent in their own backyard. The casting directors job is to reduce the risk of problems for their producers, not increase it. So get to know your local casting directors and start there.

Source: Lana Veenker