ABC Family is an American cable television network currently owned by Disney-ABC Television Group, a division of The Walt Disney Company. ABC Family offers contemporary and inclusive programming, including series, movies, events, and enhanced ABC encore presentations.
The network launched on April 29, 1977 as CBN Satellite Service, an arm of Pat Robertson's Christian Broadcasting Network. The network offered only Christian programs when it first began. In September 1981, the format and the name were changed for the first time. CBN Satellite Service changed its name to the CBN Cable Network and became an entertainment cable network, providing family programming. On August 1, 1988, the word "Family" was incorporated into the name to better reflect the format, becoming The CBN Family Channel.
By 1990, the network had grown too profitable to remain under the CBN banner without endangering CBN's nonprofit status. CBN spun it off to a new company called International Family Entertainment and the name was changed to simply The Family Channel.
In 1997, it was sold to a joint venture of Fox Broadcasting Company, and renamed Fox Family in 1998. Fox Family was sold to Disney for $5.3 billion on October 24, 2001. The sale to Disney included the Fox Kids Network which provided the new ABC Family with hours of kids programming. The network was officially renamed ABC Family on November 10, 2001.
As of 2009, the network is available in over 95,680,000 American households.